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I am a woman, Brazilian and mother of two beautiful girls. It was while contemplating the mountains in Utah (USA), as an exchange student, that I discovered photography.


Graduated in Social Sciences, I carry with me an interest in the human complexity that is expressed in my way of seeing, within photography. My main performance for almost 16 years.


I have already contributed to the main design magazines in the country. I travelled through the Brazilian hinterland, mapping and recording popular art @projetosertoes.

I photograph for renowned architecture and interior offices in Brazil.

And more. 

Telling stories with eyes. 

And look again, every detail.

The subtlety of feeling through what I see connected me to the philosophy of yoga. From the union of these two impulses, photography and yoga, my authorial project emerged, which can be seen at @ser.manas

Currently, in Connecticut (USA) expanding the frontiers of work, I carry in me the welcoming look of Latin America.

 fotografia de arquitetura / fotógrafa de decoração  /  fotógrafa de estilo de vida 

 fotógrafo de interiores / venda de quadros decorativos

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